Xbox Control Instruction¶
This section outlines the fundamental steps and procedures for controlling the robot using an Xbox controller. Each topic is crafted to guide users through specific actions, from initial setup to operational use, ensuring efficient and effective control of the robot with the Xbox controller.
1. Preparations¶
Please refer to Preparation Before Powering on for detailed procedure.
2. Powering on¶
Please refer to Powering on Robot for detailed procedure.
3. Signing in the Computer¶
Connecting the robot to the monitor via a docking station:
Enter the login screen and enter the password fftai2015
4. Setting Status of Xbox¶
Connect the receiver and turn on your Xbox. Press and hold the status setting button until the status light turns on.
5. Running Starting Script¶
Locate the RoCS file and run
Appearance of init
indicates successful initialization.
6. Sending Commands to Control Robot¶
Press A to reset to zero, then press x to stand, and then you can press the step + push rod to control the robot movement.
Keep the robot balanced when the robot lands on both feet to avoid stress on one foot and burn the motor.
7. Closing the Program¶
Upon exiting, first ensure the robot is upright, then press the start button, and finally, lift the sky rail.
Shoot an emergency stop and press Ctrl+C to end the program.
8. Press Emergency Stop Switch¶
This action ensures an immediate cessation of all operations and is a safety measure to prevent any unintended movements during the shutdown.